Hello all! Happy 2013!
Hope the new year has been nothing but great for you so far!
I haven't been blogging but i'm back with a massive update! :)))
Garnier Christmas Party
I was invited to Garnier's Christmas Party last December!
Honored indeed! :)
We were introduced to their new range of Pure Active Fruit Energy products which you'll find out more below!
Garnier's a pretty young brand so it's like a full of energy brand in my opinion! :)
This new series is under the Pure Active line, which consists of really yummy fruits, haha.
Pomegranate, Grapefruit and Vitamin C extracts.
Can you imagine how nice smelling it is gonna be? :p
We played some games and were give a short introduction and it was quite a refreshing Sat spent! :)
There were nicely done up props for taking photos.
They even prepared breakfast for us, cupcakes and all the good sweet desserts, really thoughtful! :)
Polaroids! <3
More on the products:
Pure Active Fruit Energy Daily Energizing Gel Scrub (Left)
I'm sure everyone knows what a scrub is right?
This scrub is gentle enough for everyday use and works effectively for combination skin!
It contains exfoliating microbeads for a deep cleanse.
It helps to unclog and tighten the pores to get rid of blackheads and other impurities.
The combination of grapefruit, pomegranate and Vitamin C extracts effectively cleanses and energizes to achieve a radiant glow, while the Salicylic Acid protects the skin from pimple growth.
Pure Active Fruit Energy Daily Energizing Gel Wash (Right)
The foaming gel formula of the gel wash is specially formulated for combination to oily skin. It comes with a fruit scent that invigorates the skin for a fresh start to the day! It also eliminates the impurities responsible for blemishes, and at the same time reducing excessive oil production and minimizing enlarged pores!
I'm sure this is familiar to you girls?
These are their popular products which i heard from the rest of bloggers are really effective! :)
And before the session ended, everyone had a free goodie bag which contained their new products, plus christmas gifts! See what i mean by them being thoughtful?
Was really lucky and i won the "top" prize!
H&M gift card! Totally beaming with joy pleaseee! Haha.
I've been using these new products for a week now and my face is feeling refreshed and clean all day! :)
How the gel wash will look like! Clear and like gel? Haha.
It smells really niceeee!
Just a small amount will do, add a little water, and cleanse! :)
And here's my bare face!
Quite hesitate to post this up, but i wanted to show how my skin looks like now after using it, haha.
Anyway, these products are now available at Watsons, Guardian, major supermarkets and hypermarkets, selected departmental stores! :)
Pure Active Fruit Energy Daily Energizing Gel Wash: $12.90 for 200ml
Pure Active Fruit Energy Daily Energizing Scrub: $14.90 for 150ml
OKAY. Other than these info, i won a bottle of the gel wash during one of the games.
SO i'm giving away to one reader! :)
Just email me (briannawonggg@gmail.com) by tomorrow 1159pm and tell me why you'd want to win it, simple and easy!
The winner will receive an email from me directly! :)
TCL Team Dinner
Dinner was at the BKT store below our office! :)
Haha, a really random place but i was dining one day and realized how we haven't had a meal there together, and we're moving out soon, soooo this became the destination! :)
It was also our Christmas cum XM's farewell dinner.
Missing Sab here though!
Bert + Janelle + XM + Huiee! :)
Prawn Paste Chicken Wings which were quite salty :(
Tell you ah, these 4 girls, all post the same 肉骨茶 on their instagram.
I went later cos i was in the office doing something, and i went i loaded my instag, wahseh, all photos of the meat -.-
And they were debating whose photo nicer, haha.
Blogging about this now is making me crave for some BKT!
My twin or so, which everyone says so.
Honestly we don't look that alike rightttt.
Thank you to these girls, who have helped us tremendously over the last months!!
Janelle, who's a busy student, busy as in 24/7 busy, stay in school until wee hours!
Was supposed to "quit" after 6 months but still continued to help us whenever she has free time, though she can really use that time to rest or catch up with other things. She's the one whom you'll receive email replies at weird hours, haha.
Xinmei, who worked an extra week for us cos we were short of manpower, who updates us with exciting news and whatnots, haha. Our one and only power packer cum stalker!
And Huiee, who has a secret love for naked Santa, haha.
Another awesome packer. If not for her, i dont think our parcels would have managed to reach you girls.
And XM who left for an awesome full-time job!
Only been a week or so but i'm missing her already! :(

Christmas pressies and cards for them, which took me damn long to get, cos idk what to get for them! Made at least 3 trips to town before deciding on what to get, kuazhang max!
So glad they liked what we got for them, hehee.
Next stop; Udders!
Hehe there's always room for sweet things!
Busy people; always on their phones.
Huiee had to leave to meet her *ahem* so one last photo before she goes!
I know you girls are reading this, 谢谢你们的努力!
Arrange for next dinner soon okayyyy! <3
Supper with Pris & Bert
A super impromptu supper!
I was messaging Pris that afternoon and coincidentally both of us fell asleep at the same time.
Woke up and saw her message for supper, messaged Bert who was already on the way home but came nonetheless! Spontaneous FTW! :D
Pris was craving for Korean food so we headed to one of the restaurants at Chinatown area!
This was dabombzzz.
The ramen/maggi or whatever it is is damn awesomeeee!
Kimchi Pancake; my favorite!! :)
And the photos stopped here cos we were too busy eating.
Should have taken more photos since we hardly get to meet up, boo!
Nonetheless, it was a great catching up session! :)
Simple and heartwarming, hehe.
CNY TCL Outdoor Shoot
Starting the post with a photo of one of the must havessss!
This lasercut clutch is damn gorgeous in real lifeeee!
I'm just gonna post random photos taken at the shoot okay! :)
Some of the items in the next launch for the CNY collection, all manufactured pieces (except first 2 images) featured above! :)
Crochet Dress in Nude/ White
Embroidered High Collar Dress in Light Pink, Teal and Periwinkle
Tulips Printed Bustier Dress in Pink, Blue and Orange
Emboss Cheongsam in White and Pink (1st Cheongsam!)
Sexy Back Dress in Black and Berry
Phewww, it was such a longggg post!
Packing up and heading for dins soon! :)
Have a blessed week everyone!
Much Love,