Hi all!
I've been so swamped up with work i hardly took any time off to accompany the boyfriend since months ago, so the nice me (muahahaha) ended work earlier yesterday to have dins together, and to catch Jackie Chan's new movie, CZ12!
I felt the poster wasn't that attractive, just looking at it doesn't entice me at all. But i watched it anyway cos it's a Jackie Chan film. I'm quite a Jackie Chan fan, hahaha.
I love love love his movies, always so full of action! And cos they are REAL.
As expected, this didn't disappoint!
Go catch it if you're looking for a movie to watch, i'm sure you're gonna love it, hehe,
Before that, dins at Fish & Co!
Haven't had it in a while and i was craving for their grilled calamari!
Their new menu, new to me cos it looked different from the last i saw, haha.
The boyfriend had some fish & chips, and i'd the seafood platter for one.

OTD for Friday! :)
Shorts: Sequins Glamour Shorts in Gold
Blazer: Corporate Contrast Blazer (Upcoming)
Shoes: TCL Knotted Suede Flats (Upcoming)
It's #worntodeath sequins shorts like how xinmei calls it, haha.
If you have been following me on instagram, you'd probably have realized how often i wear it, hahaha. Not shy to admit, i kept the gold and black pieces we brought it. And after wearing it so many times, i couldn't resist and got the silver from the supplier too, hahahaha, so i have 3 colors now! :p
You should have seen the blazer in our last preview, was supposed to launch them but erps, missed that out! Will slot in a launch for this soon! :)
And our 2nd manufactured flats!!
Can't express how much i love it, hahaha. It's sooooo comfy it didn't even bite me at 1st wear! Bert's quite blister prone when it comes to new shoes, and even she commented how comfy they were! This shall be my #worntodeath flats very soon, hahaa.
If you ask what i like about it, i like the twisted knotted details and the gold foil lookalike capped front! The knot somehow makes it look different from the usual ballet flats! :)
I was feeling so famished the entire day yesterday, god knows why.
Had craving for sashimi, curry chicken, calamari, bbt and the list goes on.
Drove down to Great World to pack sashimi home, then ended our night at Toast Box to satisfy the curry chicken cravings.
It was an absolutely grow fat day out. HAHAHA.
And earlier today, i was invited to a Garnier event (more on that another time) in the morning!
Headed down to town since i was already in the vicinity with the purpose of christmas shopping, but omg it was so damn crowded! Everywhere was craziieeeeee.
Spent 4 hours walking around and got just one present instead of many more, cos it took such a long time to get from point A to B! -.-
Settled lunch at Coffee Club just outside H&M though it wasn't air-conditioned cos we were too lazy to join the crowd again. Was pleasantly surprised how it didn't feel warm and humid despite the alfresco sitting! And in fact, it's super awesome for taking photos cos of the natural light! :p
See how flawless the skin was, hahahhaa.
Good skin day + good hair day = Rocks!
And this is one of the best invention. I dont know if i'm suaku or what, cos i don't usually dine at Coffee Club, but you don't have to put up your hands and wave for attention if you need anything!
Just PRESS and the service crew will come along!
I hate going to restaurants, especially those crowded ones, and you gotta wave nonstop from someone to come get you something or even get the bill for you. So i honestly think every restaurant should invest in this, hahaha.
Mussels in white wine and pork bibs (I think!)

See what i mean by natural light? Hahhaa. Even unglam shots are made nicer.
No, i'm not a hello kitty fan.
Yes, this is one of my latest addiction.
Haha, contradicting i know.
But this game is so cuteeee! My "cafe" was quite empty when i shot this so you don't get to see the hello city puffs and cakes! They are reallyyy cute! :p
OTD for Saturday! :)
Top: TCL Memoirs Ruffles Top (Another #worntodeath top!)
Blazer: Upcoming crepe chiffon polyester blazer, which i haven't decided a name yet.
Shoes: TCL Knotted Suede Flats (Upcoming)
The blazer is major loveee! <3
We skipped the usual chiffon used and chose a premium fabric instead!
It's slightly textured like crepe, light wight like the usual chiffon but thicker so it's non sheer, and it's slightly stretchy! I hope this description will help you with how it feels like? Haha.
Comes in cobalt blue, sunshine and white!
I kept all 3 colors, have already worn the cobalt one out, more pictures below!
More photos from Instagram!
Follow me @briannawonggg! :)

Just realized all 3 otds are me in blazers, haha.
Here's the original pieces i sent in for manufacturing!
The blazer i wore above with the Raindrops Studded Top! :)
The original for the blazer was also in sunshine but i couldnt resist keeping our version! The piece i've was so crumpled after just one wash and i spent 30 mins ironing it -.-
Posted it quite some time back and had you girls asking for them, and tadahhh, suppliers managed to get the raindrop studsss! :)
Will be launching them on 26/12 probably, last launch for 2012!
Cons and Rebs in the top! :)
Okayyy, ending the post here with my pretty DIY-ed nails cos i'm at Starbucks blogging actually and they are closing soon! :)
Till then, have a blessed joyous Christmas everyoneee! <3
Formspring me!
Much love,